SETI@Home – 2009

Doofus and Piggy do 80,000

Doofus and Piggy have contributed over 80,000 BOINC Cobblestones to the SETI@Home project as of 20 December 2009.

SETI@#Home - 80,000 Cobblestones

Doofus and Piggy do 70,000

Doofus and Piggy have contributed over 70,000 BOINC Cobblestones to the SETI@Home project as of 21 October 2009.

SET@Home - 70,000 Cobblestones

Doofus does 60,000

Doofus has contributed over 60,000 BOINC Cobblestones to the SETI@Home project as of 12 July 2009.

SETI@Home - 60,000 Cobblestones

SETI@Home – 2008

Doofus does 55,000

Doofus has contributed over 55,000 BOINC Cobblestones to the SETI@Home project as of 3 September 2008

SDETI@Home - 55,000 Cobblestones

Doofus does 50,000

Doofus has contributed over 50,000 BOINC Cobblestones to the SETI@Home project as of 10 May 2008.

XSETI@Home - 50,000 Cobblestones

Doofus does 45,000

Doofus has contributed over 45,000 BOINC Cobblestones to the SETI@Home project as of 18 January 2008.

SETI@Home - 45,000 Cobblestones

SETI@Home – 2007

Doofus does 40,000

Doofus has contributed over 40,000 BOINC Cobblestones to the SETI@Home project as of 16 November 2007.

SETI@Home - 40,000 Cobblestones

Doofus does 35,000

Doofus has contributed over 35,000 BOINC Cobblestones to the SETI@Home project as of 24 June 2007.

SETI@Home - 35,000 Cobblestones

Doofus does 30,000

Doofus has contributed over 30,000 BOINC Cobblestones rto the SETI@Home project as of 11 January 2007.

STI@Home - 30,000 Cobblestones